Perforated Graphic Perf

Our company is taking graphic design and perforating it to the next level. With our knowledge and capability, we’ll help create a signage costumed design, especially for your company. We will take care of the perforating, fabricating, image graphing, and back-lighting and help create a brand using perforated metal.

Let Your Imagination Flow With Perforated Graphic Perf

Perforated Graphic Perf

What We Have Been Doing

On a small-scale level, we have been providing perforated Graphic Perf to some of our clients for years. Those clienteles vary from manufacturers of speakers, canopies, and signage for companies and facades for building and interior designers as well.

That is why we have decided that it is time to broaden our horizon and launch perforated Graphic Perf on a much bigger scale. We will take landscaping and architecture on a different level by creating unique designs and awe-inspiring creations that will leave a long-lasting impression.

How We Do It

Below are steps that you need to follow to bring your expectation to reality:

  • Creating Design. We want to make your idea become a reality. Show us a picture or a drawing, and we will do our best.
  • Communication. We must know what you want and expect from us. If you have specific requirements or detailed instructions, we will do our best to meet them.
  • Trust us with what you need. When we have an idea of what our client wants, we’ll combine our expertise in graphic design and artistic skills to create that desired result.
  • Positive Response. We would love to hear from you. Your satisfaction is what we aim for, and if you find something lacking, feel free to ask for a meeting, and we will accommodate you.
  • Discussions. The meetings would allow us to discuss any changes and improve the design according to your specification.
  • Lock and load. When you are satisfied with the result, we will go ahead and load the graphic design on our machine. This would make sure that the plan is programmed and ready to be perforated into the metal panels.
  • Finishing touch. After perforating the design into the metal panels, we will also oversee the finishing processes needed, such as fabricating it.
  • Shipping and Delivery. Once everything is finished, we will make sure that your panels arrive on time and are handled with care. We will include instructions and details on how to install it easily.

With Perforated Graphic Perf, our company is delighted to join you in your endeavor.

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