Perforated Metal Filter

Whether it is a filtration system for the house, office, or factory, our company can make high quality, durable, and heavy-duty perforated metal support to help the filtration system effectively do its job. We can supply manufacturers and fabricators whatever perforated metal support they need for housing filters, cartridges, and screens.

Filtration Process Using Perforated Metal

Perforated Metal Filter

Perforated Metal for Filtration

Our perforated metal support is made of materials like stainless steel to be able to hold and support heavy filtration equipment with ease. We can also customize the perforated pattern to allow air to easily circulate the filtration, increasing cooling time, and keeping dirt and dust away. Lastly, our finishing process ensures that our perforated plate applications can withstand any weather conditions and have an anti-corrosive property that can make it last longer.

  • Our expertise enables us to supply hospitals, architects, and homeowners with perforated metal frameworks for HEPA filters, exhaust systems, and cartridges.
  • For vehicle manufacturers, we can customize perforated metal filtration that will keep the dirt and debris away from components as well as help keep radiators fresh.
  • For restaurant or business owners, we can craft perforated metal frames that can keep your machinery, cooking and other kitchen equipment protected and well ventilated. Specialty filters are used as bag filters or holders for filter cartridges and screens for separators.
  • For construction companies and textile factories, we have stainless steel filters that can filter wastewater and handle high-pressure force. We also fabricate perforated metal applications for dredging and de-watering—stainless steel sludge filters out wastewater sludges.
  • For other service and natural resources industries, we customize shaker screens, perforated metal plates, and perforated metal pipes used for fracking and drilling. They are made of high-quality steel to endure high pressure while efficiently injecting fluids and extract oil.

Leading the Way to a Better Future

Our company has the manpower, technology, and capability to provide all kinds of customized perforated metal support for your filtration needs. Our years of service made us and our products the leaders in the perforating industry.

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